Monday, December 13, 2010

A Christmas gift

I'm curious whether my brother would actually be reading this blog... so part of me is nervous to post here and part of me just wants to get some feedback. Since this wouldn't be the biggest surprise in the world to him (unless he forgot that conversation from Thanksgiving...) I'm gonna go ahead and do it anyway!

I'm working on calling cards for my brother, who keeps meeting awesome people and I want for him to be able to leave a memorable bit behind. He's super talented and a very hard worker and the opportunities coming his way are pretty awesome. Now if only he can find a way to make a solid mark on the brains (and pockets!) of these random encounters...
I'm not familiar enough with diesel engines to know what the iconic parts would be. I am, however, familiar enough to small engines, motorcycles and cars to identify a few things that might work well as images on these cards. I spent a few hours this evening tossing around ideas and drawings and shook these out of my brain. Sprockets, spark plugs and gears are inextricably linked to engines in my mind's eye.  

I enjoy making something on this small scale. It's interestingly freeing from the constraints of repeat design and certainly harkens back to my first lessons in what makes a good composition. Odd numbers of elements. Creating pathways for the eye to move through the piece without bouncing right out of it. I need to find a way to work color into these cards. Lots of folks have black and white cards. I want him to have something that sets him apart, creates a memory and gets him work that he will love. Cause that's what leaving your mark with someone can do. And he so deserves it!

I would love to hear your feedback, insight, etc. You love diesel engines? You wanna tell me what iconic thing would make these sing? Lay it on me!

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