Our show opens today! Running from May 9th-May 15th you have the unique and limited-time opportunity to see what it is I've been up to all the months (*cough, years!) of grad schooling. Contact me through the comments section if you are interested in a show guide and we can arrange a time for you to see and such.
It's been an exciting and crazy semester. Graduation finally feels imminent. I have begun having my first waves of anxiety in the approach of this huge transition. Unlike graduating from college I know more this time around. I understand the finite-ness of this experience. I know what it is like to "only" have a job instead of a job and full time school and life and, and, and. While there are certainly things I have spent grad school looking forward to about life after school (regular schedule, less all-consuming work, no 3am wake-up calls) there are certainly others that I know I will miss. I miss them from undergrad, too. Working in the studio, my studio-mates, the freedom of experimentation, the safety net that if this or that collection or object didn't work out I could always make the next one better through the lessons learned on this one.
To put it it in the charming vernacular, this sh** just got real.